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How to write a New Press Release For Your Company

First off, determine who your audience is, who your Press Release Services competitors are, the current state of your market, and what you're doing that's different. Then use that information to tell me why I should care about your news. (Spoiler: if you have to explain it, it's too convoluted.)

The headline is the first thing a journalist sees and it has one job: get them to read more. Make it good, or they may not read any further.

If you use a specialised campaign client, the interface will often have an option to introduce html into the body of your story, making it possible to embed supported Free Press Release Submission Sites content, which varies from provider to provider but should include support for things like tweets and YouTube videos. (We simplified it a bit in Prezly so you can just copy-paste the URL of whatever you want to embed and the system does it automatically for you.) Worst case scenario, even with the plain text you will be able to copy in a link.

And it doesn't hurt to add some personality to it, a bit of flare. Do you think Han Solo makes generations swoon because his scripted lines are all factually correct? Of course not. It's all down to entertainment and bravado, timing and charm. (Ok, it might also have something to do with Harrison Ford's face, but we can't all have Harrison Ford's face marketing our products, so it's best not to fantasise.)

Other things that catch the eye are surprising statements (!), startling statistics (!!) and celebrity namedrops (just make sure it's someone your audience will have heard of).

So while we can't all be Han, we can take the Best Press Release Service extra 15 minutes to brainstorm a few creative alternatives to the standard "Company X releases Product Y" one-liner snoozefest before hitting "send". You scoundrel.

Nail the headline
These three real-life press release examples show the importance of crafting a headline that grabs attention, uses wordplay and inspires curiosity:

Bye bye, Beetle - Beetle Final Edition – Premiere at the Los Angeles…
Designed for kicks: The e 602-II bass drum microphone
How Lisa met Martin
2. What assets to include 
Did you know that multimedia press releases get up to 9.7x as many views as those using text alone? Ragan knew it in 2011, when including images within Best Press Release Distribution your press release doubled the chance of it getting noticed; video quadrupled it. There's little comparable data published more recently because including media in your press release in the year 2020 shouldn't even be a question.

Some things you can do to make a great headline:

Write it as if it were a headline and ask yourself, "Would I read this?"

Ask "Why should anyone care?" until you have a solid answer

Tailor the headline to your audience

Entice the imagination and surprise the reader

Play with your grammar (punctuation, active vs passive voice...)

And yet, the majority of press releases go out as barebones text. Why?

With cameraphones and stock imagery abound, there's no logical reason to exclude images, videos or other multimedia from your press releases, when including them will set you apart from all the other stories flooding journos' inboxes.

If possible, embed a gallery within your press release, particularly if you're launching a new product or presenting a story that looks great visually. This Best Press Release Distribution Service will give the reader an immediate idea of the story you're telling without them having to read through reams of text, and arms them with a good selection of imagery to use in their coverage.

Embed quotes and tweets
Got a relevant tweet? Great – embed it. Someone raved about your business on YouTube? Stick it in. Got your latest product shot raking in likes on Instagram? In it goes.

Remember, your job is to make it as simple as possible for other people to tell your story.

By embedding evidence journalists can use you are saving them time while adding context and colour to your narrative.

Make your news social media friendly
Images and videos become extra powerful when it comes to sharing your press release on social media, since social networks will automatically generate a preview based on the content embedded within your press release. Having an attention-grabbing, vibrant image front and centre in your story is an easy way to increase your chances of engagement.

A word of warning 
Be very careful when including images, videos and really any attachments in your campaigns. Email clients can interpret bulky email attachments as spam and filter them out of the recipient inbox, rendering your carefully executed press release all but invisible.

Better practice is to host your media somewhere reliable Press Release Submission Sites and embed it in your email so that it takes up very little space. (Psst... If you're using Prezly, we take care of all that for you, so all you have to do is insert the image/video/audio file/tweet – or whatever you like – hit send and we do the rest.

If you want to go a step further and optimise your images for use on social media platforms, there are a few more things you can do.

Include images in different resolutions and sizes
While these differ across platforms and you could spend several days cropping images to all the suggested sizes (overeager sharers might find this social media cheatsheet useful), it's generally a good idea to include:

A landscape image (around 1200 x 628 pixels)

A square image (1080 x 1080 pixels; think Instagram)

If you're operating in food or creative industries – interior design, cosmetics, fashion, DIY, kid-friendly projects, crafts and hobbies – it's a good idea to Press Release Writing Servicesinclude a long portrait image for easy sharing on Pinterest (236 pixels wide)

Prezly gives you total control on how you use images and other media to tell your story, giving you the tools to easily move, crop and resize your content right in the story editor.

Contact us Now!

Website - https://www.pressreleasepower.com/
Skype - shalabh.mishra
Telegram - shalabhmishra
Whatsapp - +919212306116
Email - shalabh.mishra@gmail.com
Mobile - +919212306116
Twitter - https://twitter.com/pressreleasepow
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pressreleasepr/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pressreleas/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/pres

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